Toyota IQ van Francine

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141 beoordelingen Den Haag 209x verhuurd Verhuurder

Verhuur door Francine


Over de auto

- june 2024: the v-belt sometimes slips, causing a high squeaking sound. The garage will check it out later this month, in the meanwhile It’s still safe to drive the car- Klein maar fijn! Easy to drive around the city, but also reaches 130km/h on the highway without a problem. This car has either a booth or a backseat, depending on how you want to use it. The backseat has room for one adult, behind the passenger’s seat and a small child or some luggage behind the driver’s seat. The booth is a regular size. I try to keep the booth clean but there might be some mud or sand in there from my golfclubs 🏌️🙂. The tank isn’t always completely full so make sure to only fill up for the petrol that you used. Fuel consumption is 20 km/ltr. There is an elaborate manual in the car.

Handig om te weten
3 zitplaatsen
Bouwjaar 2009
150 vrije KM's per dag
+ KM € 0,15 per extra km

SnappCar Keyless

Deze auto kun je openen met de app, zonder dat de verhuurder erbij hoeft te zijn.

Do's & Dont's
Lederen bekleding
Overige accessoires

Geen overige accessoires

Locatie van de auto

Hoi, ik ben Francine

Geverifieerde gebruikerLid sinds 21 sep. 2019


Reactiepercentage100 %
Auto verhuurd209x

141 beoordelingen

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