Renault Trafic from Willem

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 54 reviews Utrecht 79x rented out Owner

Rental by Willem


About the car

*Below also in English* 🚚 Laad ruimte: - (L1H1): De inhoud van de laadruimte is 240cm lang, 169cm breed en 143cm hoog - 3 zit plekken 🌎 Locatie: - Vleutenseweg Utrecht. Parking rayon New England. 🚧 Achterin ligt een doos met spanbanden, elastieken en verhuistapijten die gebruik kunnen worden. 📞 Service: - Ik ben ten alle tijden telefonisch bereikbaar voor alle vragen of storingen op mijn mobiele nummer: +31681461613 Ik wens u een goede reis toe! ENGLISH: 🚚 Cargo space (L1H1): - The dimensions of the load are 248cm long, 176cm wide and 143cm high - The cabin has 3 seats in the front. 🌎Location: - Vleutenseweg Utrecht. 🚧 In the back there is a box with tension straps and elastics and moving carpets that can be used. 📞 Service: - I will be available for contact 24/7 for any questions or malfunctions on my phone number: +31681461613 Have a good trip!

Good to know
3 seats
Year of manufacture 2012
200 free KM's per day
+ KM € 0,20 per extra km

SnappCar Keyless

Open this car with the app, without the owner needing to be there!

Do's & Dont's
Going abroad
Leather seats
Tow bar
Winter tires
Other accessories

No other accessories

Car location

Hi, I am Willem

Verified userMember since Jul 6, 2021


Response rate92 %
Rented out506x

54 reviews

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Gianmarco Feb 5, 2025

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Hans Feb 2, 2025

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Prima busje!

Henk-Jan Feb 2, 2025

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Lars Jan 31, 2025

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ingrid Jan 28, 2025

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