Renault Clio Estate from Shermain

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 96 reviews Amsterdam 143x rented out Owner

Rental by Shermain


About the car

This car is ready for winter adventures, it has the mandatory winter tires for countries as Germany etc. Looking for a comfortable, small but spacious car? This might be the one! Amazing for long road-trips and holidays! - Airco - Cruise Control * unfortunately someone bumped into the right side of the car. The two door on that side will be repaired, so she is not her most beautiful self atm. But while driving you won’t notice it at all. Please note that we charge an additional €25 for fines/tickets, such as speeding or parking tickets, as it takes a significant amount of our time. - Red light: €289 - Holding a phone: €350 - Towing fees: €400 + - Parking ticket: €75 + Same goes for leaving the car behind dirty. The minimum amount for this is €45,-. Not filling up the tank? We will send you a tikkie €0,35 per kilometer. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Good to know
5 seats
Year of manufacture 2010
300 free KM's per day
+ KM € 0,15 per extra km

SnappCar Keyless

Open this car with the app, without the owner needing to be there!

Do's & Dont's
Going abroad
Leather seats
Tow bar
Winter tires
Other accessories

No other accessories

Car location

Hi, I am Shermain

Verified userMember since Oct 12, 2021


We vervoeren vaak spullen voor mijn bedrijven. Maar hij staat meestal stil. Dus waarom niet delen?!

Response rate93 %
Rented out1635x

96 reviews

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

Jaap Feb 2, 2025

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Fijn autootje. Niet meer de nieuwste maar doet het prima en zou hem zo weer huren!

Merle Feb 1, 2025

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Cedric Jan 26, 2025

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Dya Jan 17, 2025

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Top verhuurder!!

Assia Jan 17, 2025

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