Fiat 500 from Daantje

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 247 reviews Amsterdam 445x rented out Owner

Rental by Daantje


About the car

For English: see below. Dit is een toffe keyless Fiat 500 Twinair Turbo Popstar -SnappCar, geboren in 2016 en is super zuinig (handig, nu de benzinekosten zo de pan uit rijzen). De auto breng jou moeiteloos naar elke gewenste plek en parkeer makkelijk in: omdat de auto zo wendbaar is heb je weinig plek nodig. Ga de uitdaging aan en reserveer deze auto! Het zal je niet teleurstellen: verbruikt 1 op 25 * Airco * Belangrijk: er mag niet gerookt worden. Parkeervergunning: Oud west (zie dashboardkastje) English: This is a cool keyless Fiat 500-Twinair Turbo Popstar SnappCar, born in 2016 and Is a super economical (handy, now that the petrol costs are soaring). I take you effortlessly to any desired place and park easily: because I'm so manoeuvrable, It don't need a lot of space. Take up the challenge and book this car! It will not disappoint you. Please note and very important: smoking is not allowed. Parking permit: Oud West (look in dashboards)

Good to know
4 seats
Year of manufacture 2016
100 free KM's per day
+ KM € 0,15 per extra km

SnappCar Keyless

Open this car with the app, without the owner needing to be there!

Do's & Dont's
Going abroad
Leather seats
Tow bar
Winter tires
Other accessories

Oplader iPhone Parkeervergunning oud/west

Car location

Hi, I am Daantje

Verified userMember since Feb 15, 2016


Vind SnappCar een super initiatief. Fijn om in Amsterdam samen je auto te delen.

Response rate100 %
Rented out496x

247 reviews

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)

Koos Jan 7, 2025

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
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Kartini Dec 9, 2024

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
That was lovely, thanks

Silje Nov 30, 2024

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Dieuwertje Nov 26, 2024

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Heerlijke auto!

JP Nov 24, 2024

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The user only left a rating

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